This is the reason why I said the Universe can't bear for me NOT to blog.


No longer am I screaming for an imaginary iMac coz a REAL ONE GOODNESS GRACIOUS is finally MINE. HERE. IN MY HOUSE. ON MY NEW COMPUTER DESK *Air punch*

Thank you, God! (*Whisper* I had to threaten to not blog anymore for me to finally get my iMac. What a drama queen but Universe, you're awesome and kick ass) That explains the constant update. I gained my mojo and the will to blog is baaaack and strong as ever! 

I was not happy at first when I find out there's no Photoshop available for Mac in town. Then I asked a colleague and he gave me a copy of his and the Mister installed it for me (You will never see me installing software in a computer coz me and fixing thingamajig is like putting me in a surgery robe and expect me to do a brain transplant on a hamster) and now, when I'm not hibernating and stuffing my face like as if I'm preparing for the next world hunger, I would be on my iMac learning my way around it.


Now... May I have my new car please?



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