This-or-That Beauty Whatchamacallit.

I don’t mean to discriminate against gender preferences but I seriously think men who will read this post will combust with boredom.

Out of the blue, I was tagged by Miss Makeupgeek to do the This-or-That Beauty Tag. OoOookay… I don’t wear makeup much because I decided that my makeup skill is at par with a 3 year old, I just use the basic to cover some scars on me face. And I have almost zero knowledge about makeup products.

When was my last tag? Gazillion ages ago I think. But here goes nothing (like anybody cares what beauty products I used… dun dun dunnnn…):


Blush or Bronzer
-Neither. Because I have no idea how to put on both. Besides, what the hell is a bronzer anyway? Is it something to make my skin like one of those Greek statues?

 Lipstick or Lipgloss

Eyeliner or Mascara
-Eyeliner. Mascara is so messy.

Foundation or Concealer
-Foundation. I can’t afford to spend so much time dabbing concealer on my face when I need to get to work asap.

Neutral or Color (eyeshadow)
-Neutral (brown) I only have browns. My life just screams PATHETIC.

Pressed or Loose (eyeshadow)
-What does that mean? Press what? IT’S AN EYESHADOW FOR GODSAKE NOT A LIFT’S BUTTON! But I do let em loose in my drawer. Is that bad? Should I tie em all up instead?

Brushes or Sponges
-To clean toilets, I used both.


Perfume or Body Splash
-Perfume because I don’t know what a body splash is. Body smash I know. Body splash? Not so much.

Lotion or Body Butter
-Lotion. Unless my husband wants to butter up my body… mmrroowww! Ahem. Next.

Body Wash or Soap (bar)
-Body wash.


OPI or China Glaze
-I dreaded to ask what are those two things…

Long or Short
-Short. If I remember to cut em that is.

Acrylic or Natural
-Itchy butt.

Brights or Darks
-Scratch me buttock till its dark outside.

I decided to tag anyone who are more knowledgeable about makeups that me.




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