My Dear Diary Moment

I came home late after work. Exhausted beyond believed. Grabbed my towel and stepped into the bathroom. Almost drown myself in the midst of showering. I was too tired to move away from the splashing water. So I let the water soaked into my skin. And also into my eyes. Damn. I forgot to remove my contact lens. There goes RM30 down the drain. I’ll buy a new pair tomorrow. I promise. I think I have time tomorrow. I think. Oh well. Dried myself up and put on my pink PJ. Oh perk me up a bit will ya? My PJ just stayed mute. Dumb PJ. Fed my fishes while singing "Nanooo nananananananooo nanananananaaaaaanoooo!" I think the fishes gave me their middle-finger-look. Ok. I get the message. Stopped singing, I went into the kitchen. What to have for dinner? I was hungry. I could eat my own arm if I had too but I still need my arm so I decided to make fried rice. Oh the process was taking too long. I changed my mind. I took a packet of instant noodle and that was dinner. I hated myself. I hate having to feed this healthy body with a crap junk food like that. Curses aside, I cleaned up the kitchen. I scrubbed the kitchen sink, wiped the stove, cleared up the dishes rack and so on and so forth. Wait. Wasn’t I supposed to rest? I was tired and exhausted just now right? My eyes drifted to my washing machine. Shit. I have shitloads of laundry to do. Like an auto program robot, I did 2 batches of laundry. 2 batches! As soon as the first batch done, I took it out to hang it to dry. Fuck. I forgot I haven’t folded the previous clothes I hung out to dry. Folding clothes. Switched on TV. Nothing nice. Thank you Astro. I paid you a king’s ransom every month and you give me Upin and Ipin the annoying twin. I remember I bought Salt the movie a month ago. Took the DVD out and watched Salt while folding clothes, took out wet clothes and hang it to dry, put in the washing machine a new batch, checked out Twitter, texted the Mister and munching on honey cornflake I made at lunch time. 9:30pm. That’s it? That’s all is it to Salt? I’m officially a moron for buying that dumb DVD. Angelina Jolie, home wrecker of the millennia. Bravo. Bitch. Laundry done. Clothes all folded up. Living room cleaned. Did I mention I vacuum it when I finished folding clothes? Yes, yes I did. Kitchen cleaned. Garbage took out. Took myself to bed. OH. MY. GAWD. THEN AND ONLY THEN I CAN FEEL EVERY PART OF MY BODY WAS SCREAMING "HAVE MERCY OF US! WE’RE TIRED! WE WANT REST! STOP WITH THE HOUSE CHORES! STOOOOP MOVING! STOOOOPPP!!!!" yes, I hear ya. I’m in bed already. So go to sleep. By 10pm, I was running a treadmill in my dream.

Dear October. Please be nice to me. I need the rest...


Bound! Bound! Bound & Rebound!

Here’s a story on how strange is life with its changes
And it happened not long ago.
On a high mountain plain, where the sagebrush arranges
A playground south of the snow
Lived a lamb with a coat of remarkable sheen,
It would glint in the sunlight all sparkly and clean,
Such a source of great pride
that it caused him to preen.
And he’d break out in high stepp’n dance.
He would dance for his neighbors across the way.
I must say that they found his dancin’ enhancin’,
For they’d also join in the play.

Then one day…

Then a-boundin up the slope
Came a great American jackalope.
This sage of the sage, this rare hare of hope,
Caused to pause and check out the lamb.
“Hey kid, why the mope?”

“I used to be something all covered with fluff,
And I’d dance in the sunlight and show off my stuff,
Then they hauled me away in a manner quite rough
And sheared me and dropped me back here in the buff.
And if that’s not enough
Now my friends all laugh at me
Cause they think I look ridiculous, funny, and pink.”

“Pink? Pink? Well, what’s wrong with pink?
Seems you’ve got a pink kink in your think.
Does it matter what color? Well, that gets nope.
Be it pink purple or heliotrope.
Now sometimes you’re up and sometimes you’re down,
When you find that you’re down well just look around:
You still got a body, good legs and fine feet,
Get your head in the right place and hey, you’re complete!

“Now as for the dancin’, you can do more,
You can reach great heights, in fact you can soar.
You just get a leg up and ya slap it on down,
And you’ll find you’re up in what’s called a bound.
Bound, bound, and rebound.
Bound and you’re up right next to the sky,
And I think you can do it if you give it a try,
First get a leg up, slap it on down…”

So every year, along about May,
They’d load him up and they’d haul him away,
And they’d shave him and dump him all naked and bare.
He learned to live with it, he didn’t care,
He’d just bound, bound, bound, and rebound.

Now in this world of ups and downs…
So nice to know there are jackalopes around.

A Year Ago from Today...

... We met again. You said, you don't want to be friends anymore. You want to marry me. And that's when all the wonderful things in life begins.

Happy One Year Anniversary, Love!


Let The Innocent Sleep Tonight

The smile that flickers on baby's lips when he sleeps- does anybody know where it was borne? Yes, there is a rumor that a young pale beam of a crescent moon touched the edge of a vanishing autumn cloud, and there the smile was first born . . . ~Rabindranath Tagore


Ho Ho Ho

Don't blame the camera.
Look in the mirror and blame that instead.


Having a Fling...

... with Mother Nature.

The other day on the road from Miri to Sibu (I think...) I spotted the world most beautiful, fluffiest clouds ever!

The sky was blue, the sun was no where in sight but there was that yummy light spreading over the horizon and it was breathtaking!

I was dissapointed my camera couldn't capture the stunning beauty Mother Nature presented to me that day. But witnessing it that day, made me so happy I forgot how painful it is when your legs are having pins and needles. Sitting in a car for hours and hours is NOT FUN FOR YOUR BODY PARTS!


Traveling Again!

I hope one bag pack is enough to travel for 2 days...


Peek-a-Boo! I See You!

"Someday, somewhere - anywhere, unfailingly, you'll find yourself, and that, and only that, can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life"~ Pablo Neruda


Sunday Confession



While watching Monsters vs Alien movie...

Me: Do you think there really is an institution that study aliens and stuff like that?

The Mister: (Looking up from his PSP) In Malaysia? Pfft. No!

Me: No. No. In the State I mean.

The Mister: U.S? Sure. They are obsessed with aliens.

Me: I bet there is an institution in Malaysia that studies weird things like that too.

The Mister: I doubt it (continue playing with his PSP)

Me: No. No. We don’t study aliens. We Malaysians study ghost! Like polong, bebalan, pontianak and pocong! How awesomely unique is that?

The Mister: There’s a place called MOSQUE that does that already, Love.

Me: Really? (Super gullible)

The Mister: (Continue playing PSP and pretended to be deaf)


Dear You,

"If you are going to fall in love with me, it’s only fair that you know what you are falling in love with. You are falling in love with my insecurities, and my obsession with trying to figure out what everyone thinks of me. You are falling in love with my immaturity, my constant need to feel loved and appreciated, my overactive tear ducts, my internet obsession. You fall in love with my troubled past, and my hopes and dreams, and how I’m a hopeless romantic at heart. If you fall in love with me, you fall in love with my self-hate and all my imperfections and my perception that nobody could ever love me.

But, you are also falling in love with the way my eyes will smile when I’m with you, the way I’ll text you in the mornings just telling you I hope you have a great day. You’re falling in love with the occasionally humorous and/or thought-provoking things I say, and the way I blush when people ask me about you. But to me, the most important thing will be that you are falling in love with me, despite me thinking that it is impossible" ~Unknown


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