I came home late after work. Exhausted beyond believed. Grabbed my towel and stepped into the bathroom. Almost drown myself in the midst of showering. I was too tired to move away from the splashing water. So I let the water soaked into my skin. And also into my eyes. Damn. I forgot to remove my contact lens. There goes RM30 down the drain. I’ll buy a new pair tomorrow. I promise. I think I have time tomorrow. I think. Oh well. Dried myself up and put on my pink PJ. Oh perk me up a bit will ya? My PJ just stayed mute. Dumb PJ. Fed my fishes while singing "Nanooo nananananananooo nanananananaaaaaanoooo!" I think the fishes gave me their middle-finger-look. Ok. I get the message. Stopped singing, I went into the kitchen. What to have for dinner? I was hungry. I could eat my own arm if I had too but I still need my arm so I decided to make fried rice. Oh the process was taking too long. I changed my mind. I took a packet of instant noodle and that was dinner. I hated myself. I hate having to feed this healthy body with a crap junk food like that. Curses aside, I cleaned up the kitchen. I scrubbed the kitchen sink, wiped the stove, cleared up the dishes rack and so on and so forth. Wait. Wasn’t I supposed to rest? I was tired and exhausted just now right? My eyes drifted to my washing machine. Shit. I have shitloads of laundry to do. Like an auto program robot, I did 2 batches of laundry. 2 batches! As soon as the first batch done, I took it out to hang it to dry. Fuck. I forgot I haven’t folded the previous clothes I hung out to dry. Folding clothes. Switched on TV. Nothing nice. Thank you Astro. I paid you a king’s ransom every month and you give me Upin and Ipin the annoying twin. I remember I bought Salt the movie a month ago. Took the DVD out and watched Salt while folding clothes, took out wet clothes and hang it to dry, put in the washing machine a new batch, checked out Twitter, texted the Mister and munching on honey cornflake I made at lunch time. 9:30pm. That’s it? That’s all is it to Salt? I’m officially a moron for buying that dumb DVD. Angelina Jolie, home wrecker of the millennia. Bravo. Bitch. Laundry done. Clothes all folded up. Living room cleaned. Did I mention I vacuum it when I finished folding clothes? Yes, yes I did. Kitchen cleaned. Garbage took out. Took myself to bed. OH. MY. GAWD. THEN AND ONLY THEN I CAN FEEL EVERY PART OF MY BODY WAS SCREAMING "HAVE MERCY OF US! WE’RE TIRED! WE WANT REST! STOP WITH THE HOUSE CHORES! STOOOOP MOVING! STOOOOPPP!!!!" yes, I hear ya. I’m in bed already. So go to sleep. By 10pm, I was running a treadmill in my dream.
Dear October. Please be nice to me. I need the rest...
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