While watching Monsters vs Alien movie...

Me: Do you think there really is an institution that study aliens and stuff like that?

The Mister: (Looking up from his PSP) In Malaysia? Pfft. No!

Me: No. No. In the State I mean.

The Mister: U.S? Sure. They are obsessed with aliens.

Me: I bet there is an institution in Malaysia that studies weird things like that too.

The Mister: I doubt it (continue playing with his PSP)

Me: No. No. We don’t study aliens. We Malaysians study ghost! Like polong, bebalan, pontianak and pocong! How awesomely unique is that?

The Mister: There’s a place called MOSQUE that does that already, Love.

Me: Really? (Super gullible)

The Mister: (Continue playing PSP and pretended to be deaf)




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