It was tiring I must admit. In fact, this whole week I put my time and energy to shape things up for the workshop and by the end of the day yesterday, I collapsed in bed, exhausted but happy and satisfied. It’s a fulfilling feeling when you help others achieve something good in their life.
I may not play a huge part in organizing the event but as what one of the committee member said, "Those little things that you said you do? It’s not little. It is part of what helps to make things possible. It made EVERYTHING possible today"
Reminded me of a story a wise fellow said to me;
On a construction site, three masons were working. Each one was busy with a trowel, cement and bricks. A passer-by went up to the first one, who looked very bored and asked him what he was doing. "I am laying bricks," he said sullenly.
The passer-by then approached the second man who looked somewhat more enthusiastic and asked the same question. "I am building a church," was the reply.
Walking up to the third mason who was whistling, the passer-by again asked the same question. The mason stopped his whistling for just a moment and with great joy and excitement said: "I am building a cathedral."
Moral of the story? You tell me.
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