A millennia ago, I used to worry whether my blog post have “quality” or pure rubbish. Then one day, I say fuck it and post whatever I feel like it.
Now, I blog about:
1. Nonsense/amusing quotes floating in my head
2. Photos I took with my phone including narcissistic photos of myself (but of course)
3. A dear diary moment
4. Lessons I learned in life
5. Sarcasm
6. Pure rubbish ramblings
And I’m happy like that.
No pressure. No worry. Just pure myself and I.
Later days!
totally agreed.say wat ever u want.it's ur blog anyway.kalau tak suka silalah tekan butang 'x' di atas kanan.
Hahaha thank you, my most loyal commenter/blog follower! I would like to reward your loyalty with me bowing in grace but I've backache so maybe some other time ^_^
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