I've been wanting these two for ages! Ok. I lied. I wanted it since last month. Last month was ages ago so don't go screaming "BIMBO" at my face, you dung beetle!
I tried it and I fell head over heels in love with it! It's Christian Dior's 5 Colours Eyeshadow and currently I'm only interested at these two colours. Price each: RM260. Cue to vomit blood. Bah! I can afford it. Next! (super ego/diva/slapherhead commanding voice)
Since Levi's decided to be a bitch and discontinued my favourite kind of jean cut, I'm switching loyalties and going for Calvin Klein Jeans instead. That'll teach Levi's a thing or two. Hmph!
I KNOW for a fact I'll look super hawt in that jeans (my blog, my narcissism hokay? You can vomit blood elsewhere nao. Kthxbai) But unfortunately, I'll only get it when I fly to KL next time or KK. I know in 1Borneo, KK there's one CK Jeans shop just opposite MNG shop. How the hell did I remember;that?
And last but not least:
*Foaming at the mouth* It's Sketchers Bikers Mary-Janes! *swoon*
I know I have too many shoes currently but I WANT this for my kick-boxing/cardio class! *Cue to scream "Hoi! Spending RM300 for a shoe for just one occasion?"* Ahem. I kick-box in style hokay? And besides, it's not a one time occasion. I'm planning to use the shoe for other time also like traveling and such. Nah! Take that, stingy-voice-in-my-head!
That's all from me today. Later days!
This post was brought to you by the BIMBO monster reigning inside of Balqiz. Balqiz was unaware of the monster unleashing her devilish, neurotic, selfish, egoistic, narcisstic self onto her blog. The blog now is no longer is safe for public eyes. The end.
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