Baby Making -Part 4

I just had my first ultrasound today and we saw the baby’s heartbeat but because the doctor was in a hurry (as in ‘splat gel-scan-scan-oh-here’s the heartbeat-see that-yes that’s it-here’s a tissue to wipe your tummy-done’ kinda hurry) I didn’t manage to experience the ‘awwww that’s my baby in there sob sob so touching’ moment. Nope. The next thing I know, we were shove out of the doctor’s room and standing outside with a scan image of our baby which until now, I can only see is a black blob.

When I told my friend we saw the baby’s heartbeat she cried, “OMG YOU GUISE! DID YOU CRY? Did you hear the heartbeat? Was it loud? OMG! I feel like I wanna cry!” Hate to break it to you babe but the experience was WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA’AM. I would love to have that special moment with the Mister where we can gaze lovingly at our baby in my womb and Ooooh and Aaahhh and hear the heartbeat and all but GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! (Being pregnant prevent me from cursing blue streak so yeah, grr is as much as I can muster lately. Le sigh!)

According to my calculation, I am 7 weeks pregnant today. According to the scan, I’m 6 weeks 4 days pregnant. I am so confuse and frankly, occasionally, I find myself forgetting how far long am I actually. What? I’m 6 weeks? Really? Wow. I thought I’m 7 weeks. No? What? 8 weeks? What are you doing messing up with my mind?! But whatever it is, I’m pregnant and my baby’s heart is beating steadily.

I don’t look and feel pregnant much since I don’t do the famous projectile vomiting 24/7 and craving the head of a water buffalo but I do eat a lot (STILL), sleep a lot (NO SURPRISE) and few food I’m avoiding like cheese, cold drinks (including ice cream) and milk waittaminute… Did I write about this food aversion in my last post? No? Yes? God I’m such a forgetful dingbat. But even if I did, I’ll just continue on with the same topic (which obviously tells you that I am also a lazy marsupial to go and check) and no, I don’t feel nauseous with those listed food but because cheese and cold drinks apparently gives me nasty, nasty stomachache. Like as if I just tickle a sleeping dragon when I eat pizza or pasta or ice cream and I’ll go GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAWWWWWWGGGGHHHHHHH! It ain’t a pretty picture.

That’s all from me today.




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