2013 Achievements. So far.

Sometimes I forgot that impossible dreams are actually possible (unless I wish for a flying turtle that is)

2013 is a prosperous, lucky, life-changing and unbelievably incredible year.

1. I bought a house.

                Never in my wildest dream would this be a possibility for me. But this year, I signed the papers.

2. I graduated and got my Degree.

                Ever since high school, a Degree in hand was what I always aim for in life and now, I am finally having one- Bachelor Degree in Professional Studies.

3. I moved out of admin role.

                Two years ago, it occurred to me that I was in the role because of what has been ingrained in my mind and it took me one year to get myself out of it. I am now a QA/QC Coordinator, working my way up to be a QA/QC Engineer.

4. I got pregnant again.

                Life is pretty amazing.



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