Well… well… well… so you survive the dreadful Monday yesterday, huh? How did you do it? Or did you throw yourself down your office building? No? Just a little bit? Still no? That’s good. I think.
Anyhoo, last week my family threw Kaisan a majlis doa selamat (I Googled what’s ‘doa selamat’ is in English and it says “Feast with prayers” [muffled giggle] That’s funny. Feast with prayers… teehihihihi… It's almost as close as Party With Prayers! Teehihihihi! What? You don’t find it funny? Oh you dried old stick you!)
AAAA-NNYYY-HOOO, Kaisan was such a trooper that day!
Didn’t cry the whole time (in fact he yawned when the ‘ahli zikir’ was singing the Qur'an verses [FACEPALM]) and was wide-awake, curiously looking at everybody and was only fussy when he was hungry.
I was so proud of him! But then later that night, the Mister and I spend 4 hours trying to put him to sleep.
Well done, Moonface!
P/s I call him Moonface, Sayang, Chubby Wubby, Smelly Poo and my favorite- Lil’ Chickadee. I make no promise that I won’t call him by all those names when he’s in college. “Hello, Chickadee sayang mamak! How’s your class today? What did you study?” in front of all his friends [Truestory]
Mamak kat sitok kompius mun kamek membahasakan diri Mamak depan Waiz...aihh"Sapa nya Mamak??" kata dalam hati kali
Hahahaha nasib di sitok sikda 'mamak'. Paksa la bahasa dirik "mommy dearest" mun ke West Msia tok. Sik saruk mamak sinun hahahaha
montel nya Lil Chickadee!!
sorry for not being able to attend the doa slamat dear.. i was busy and suffered back-pain through the end of my errands. having this old-back makes me think i'm trapped in Mak Lampir's body aged 201 years old. bwaah~ screwd back!!
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