I have my Mac and SD card back! Took Miri Apple store less than an hour to get the SD out of the Mac’s CD slot AND best of all, according to the staffs this is not the first time they encounter this incident. Thank God! At least I’m not the only idiot in town [teary laughter]
Thank you husband for dragging my gigantic ass Mac to Bintang Mall on a blistering hot Sunday afternoon just to stop me wailing my head off 24/7 {HUGS} To prevent this from ever happening again in the future, my ever so understanding husband covered my Mac’s CD slot loading drive with sellotape [insert another teary laughter]
Anyhoo, since the sun was up and shining last week, I decided to wash all the brand new baby’s clothes. I thought of sending it all to the nearest dobby but then decided against it in case they misplace one or two or more. Yes, I am a lazy, lazy bum in this third trimester and secondly HOMAIGAD IT WAS FREAKING HOT LAST SATURDAY SO THE MISTER HAD TO DO THE HANGING WHILE I HIBERNATE IN THE FREEZER AFTER TRASHING ALL THE BABY CLOTHES IN THE WASHING MACHINE.
While sorting it all out (separating the whites and colors) and taking out the labels, I realized this baby have more clothes than his Dad and per piece cost the same as his Dad’s shirt too! (Can’t compare with his mom coz his mom have 2 wardrobes full of clothes) and knowing full well he’ll grow up faster than I can say STAY LITTLE, CUTE AND CHUBBY FOR A WHILE he’ll outgrow his clothes and knowing me, I WILL WANT TO BUY HIM NICE ADORABLE AND YET STYLISH OUTFIT COZ I AM THAT KIND OF PERSON BITE ME AND CALL ME AN IDIOT FOR DRESSING MY SON LIKE A RUNWAY MODEL HMPH I will eat grass for the next 18 years or so.
Dear Son, remember, I love Prada. That will be your first purchase when you earn your first salary. I love you!
Hi Balqiz, what type of font you use in your blog ya? It is so pleasing in the eye =D
I'm using Verdana font with spacing between each letters :-)
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