2. Climb Mount Kinabalu
3. Take a self-photo with the Eiffel Tower
5. Touch a real castle in Europe
6. Get myself a Canon 5D
7. Visit a platform offshore
9. Visit the Great Wall of China
10. Visit at least one temple in Cambodia and Bali
11. Throw a BBQ
12. Buy one pair of heels/boots in a month
13. Visit
17. Change a tire
18. Go to Disneyland
21. Take a self-photo inside the Statue of Liberty
22. Visit Holland
23. Get Lasik surgery
24. Attend a school reunion
25. Take ballroom dance lesson
26. Donate money to charity at least once a month
27. Visit tea plantation
29. Go and do my Umrah
30. Take a photo everyday for a year (start 01/01/2010)
31. Have 1000 followers in my blog
32. Ride a camel and an elephant
35. Develop the photos I’ve taken and frame it
36. Appear in local newspaper (achieving something)
37. Show up at the airport with my bag and passport- take the first available flight
38. Hold a bunch of living worms in the palm of my hand (ARRGHH!!)
39. Visit Sydney Opera House
41. Visit Bolivia
42. Take a hot air balloon ride
43. Write a book/news article
44. Master another language (Spanish and Mandarin)
45. Buy my first house
46. Start a new life in a new city/country
48. Work in my dream job and get paid 5x more than current job
49. Take a self-photo at the Taj Mahal in India
50. Go white water Rafting on a Class 4 or 5 river (I’ve done Class 3 –June 2009 in KK)
51. Work as a life coach or mentor
52. Visit Greece
53. Laugh everyday
56. Fly in Business Class or First Class on a long haul flight
57. Take a self-photo with the Pyramids in Egypt
58. Own my dream car (4 wheel drive)
60. Buy at least two designer bags in a year
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