This is the last scene in Shahman and Fera’s pre-wedding photography session.
As you read in the previous entry, the deadly duo decided to rob a bank. Well, of course we didn’t REALLY go rob a bank. Pfft. What you take us for? For crying out loud.
So anyway, the scene.
Here they showed their loot of the success bank robbery. Look at all the money! Fera was glowing with happiness as she counted her share.
And guess what? Mann surprised Fera by proposing to her! Okay, you may not be able to see the ring but it’s there. I swear! I’m just not good in capturing the object. Sad.
And they live happily ever after! The end!
new stail nampaknya dalam gambar2
like it..
slm...nak tnye skit...
semua pic u ni totally asal or edit..
klu edit bleh x bgtau cmne nak dpt pic cmni...
saye baru nak blaja2 pasal photographic ni...
Hi Norris, yup. Stail baru. At least something different. Ada jalan cerita to make the pre-wedding photo more authentic, original and interesting ^^
naqibmiller, all pictures are edited via photoshop. Some I just converted it to black & white. Some like the one you see above I add "texture" to it to give it more drama. Get yourself a photoshop software (preferable CS3 and above) and I'll guide you a bit on how to add texture if you want. Cheers!
cmne nak wat texture tu??biase i wat gune brush or action je...
i see money...... but i do c d ring too
naqibmiller, try checking out this website/video on how to add texture to a photo:
hai cyrildason! Thanks for dropping by
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