Meet Amsyar Danial!
Aveen's lil' man is 1 year 3 months already!
Isn't he adorable? I'm tempted to bite his chubby cheek off!
A Child at Heart
Initially, I wanted to photograph kids, family and maternity (pregnant mother) ONLY and then I don’t know how and when but it went sidetrack to photographing pre-wedding, adult portraits etc instead.
I miss taking photo of kids. Especially those between 2-5 years old. Or mothers pregnant for 8-9 months.
Any takers? Contact me!
UPDATE: This week I’ll be taking photo of Aveen’s son, Amsyar and Mareaty’s daughter, Arya (both are 1 year old already!)
We Only Part to Meet Again
May you always have work for your hands to do.
May your pockets hold always a coin or two.
May the sun shine bright on your windowpane.
May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you ~Irish Blessing
It has been a great pleasure knowing you guys! Thank you for all the laughter, the many adventures and the fun time we shared.
Till then, take care and best wishes all around!
What Are You Waiting For? JUMP!!!
To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out for another is to risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self.
To place your dreams before a crowd is to risk ridicule.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying.
To hope is to risk despair.
To go forward in the face of overwhelming odds is to risk failure.
But to risk we must, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
The person who risks nothing is one who does nothing, has nothing, is nothing.
He may avoid suffering and sorrows, but he cannot learn, feel, change, grow, or love.
Chained by his certitudes, he is a slave - he has forfeited his freedom.
Only a person who takes risks is FREE!
Shahman & Fera ~The Happy Ending
Hello again fellow readers!
This is the last scene in Shahman and Fera’s pre-wedding photography session.
As you read in the previous entry, the deadly duo decided to rob a bank. Well, of course we didn’t REALLY go rob a bank. Pfft. What you take us for? For crying out loud.
So anyway, the scene.
Here they showed their loot of the success bank robbery. Look at all the money! Fera was glowing with happiness as she counted her share.

And guess what? Mann surprised Fera by proposing to her! Okay, you may not be able to see the ring but it’s there. I swear! I’m just not good in capturing the object. Sad.

And they live happily ever after! The end!
This is the last scene in Shahman and Fera’s pre-wedding photography session.
As you read in the previous entry, the deadly duo decided to rob a bank. Well, of course we didn’t REALLY go rob a bank. Pfft. What you take us for? For crying out loud.
So anyway, the scene.
Here they showed their loot of the success bank robbery. Look at all the money! Fera was glowing with happiness as she counted her share.
And guess what? Mann surprised Fera by proposing to her! Okay, you may not be able to see the ring but it’s there. I swear! I’m just not good in capturing the object. Sad.
And they live happily ever after! The end!
Shahman & Fera ~The Planning
On with the third scene!
Since both, Shahman @ Mann and Fera were good and highly skilled fighters and apparently very brilliant in the art of crime matters, they decided to join force and rob a bank!
Oh my…

To be continued...
Since both, Shahman @ Mann and Fera were good and highly skilled fighters and apparently very brilliant in the art of crime matters, they decided to join force and rob a bank!
Oh my…
To be continued...
Shahman & Fera ~The Deadly Duo
Here we are again with me and my ramblings. As much as I love photography, I think I love talking about it more ^_^
So let’s check out the second scene for the lovely, yet deadly couple!
The second scene is where Shahman @ Mann and Fera fought a lethal fight. Apparently, both are actually deadly assassins! (Gasp!)
Fera was mad. Mad at Mann for making all her fruits scattered all over the road the other day and she wanted revenge! She’s in for the blood! And since she’s very skillful with weapons, watch out Mann!
And Mann, caught off guard by the sudden attack, fought back for his life! Awesome fighting scene I tell you. Too bad I didn’t have popcorns in hand.
After fighting for many hours (phew!), they decided to call it a truce. Check out the photos!

To be continued...
Here we are again with me and my ramblings. As much as I love photography, I think I love talking about it more ^_^
So let’s check out the second scene for the lovely, yet deadly couple!
The second scene is where Shahman @ Mann and Fera fought a lethal fight. Apparently, both are actually deadly assassins! (Gasp!)
Fera was mad. Mad at Mann for making all her fruits scattered all over the road the other day and she wanted revenge! She’s in for the blood! And since she’s very skillful with weapons, watch out Mann!
And Mann, caught off guard by the sudden attack, fought back for his life! Awesome fighting scene I tell you. Too bad I didn’t have popcorns in hand.
After fighting for many hours (phew!), they decided to call it a truce. Check out the photos!
To be continued...
Shahman & Fera ~The Meeting
I love, love, love pre-wedding session!
Not only do I get to a lot of creative angles to work with, but also I get to witness how couples interact with each other, their body language, their secret smiles that only they know what it means and best of all, their love and lots and lots of laughter flying around!
This is my third (or is it forth?) pre-wedding session and this time, I’m extremely lucky to be picked by these two cheeky, yet fun loving couple as their photographer that day.
I must admit that Shahman and Fera are like the two best looking engaged couple ever! I had an absolutely great time photographing them. Both are really fun people and ridiculously photogenic!
For this session, they wanted to have few scenes where each scene tells a story.
This first scene is of course, as the title said, the meeting scene. Shahman, or Mann, acted as a guy who approached Fera in a flirting yet cheeky way. He passed by Fera in his car and playfully tried to tug Fera’s basket of fruits and started a “tug of war” scene till Fera’s basket fell and fruits scattered all over the road.
Check out the photos!

To be continued...
Not only do I get to a lot of creative angles to work with, but also I get to witness how couples interact with each other, their body language, their secret smiles that only they know what it means and best of all, their love and lots and lots of laughter flying around!
This is my third (or is it forth?) pre-wedding session and this time, I’m extremely lucky to be picked by these two cheeky, yet fun loving couple as their photographer that day.
I must admit that Shahman and Fera are like the two best looking engaged couple ever! I had an absolutely great time photographing them. Both are really fun people and ridiculously photogenic!
For this session, they wanted to have few scenes where each scene tells a story.
This first scene is of course, as the title said, the meeting scene. Shahman, or Mann, acted as a guy who approached Fera in a flirting yet cheeky way. He passed by Fera in his car and playfully tried to tug Fera’s basket of fruits and started a “tug of war” scene till Fera’s basket fell and fruits scattered all over the road.
Check out the photos!
To be continued...
All's Fair in Love and War
A lady friend once told me, “When you give a lot, and I don’t mean material wise, in a relationship, you will get tenfold back in return. It goes the same way when you don’t give much. Karma works both ways. Remember that”
Thanks Cate. Recalling back that saying always makes me feel much, much better about everything in my life.
"How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours" ~Wayne Dyer
Singapore’s National Zoo Brings Out the Inner Child in Me!
Had the best time EVER! Unfortunately, these are all the good photos of the animals that I managed to capture. Sad. I was using my kit lens. ONLY my kit lens so that pretty much explains everything. I hope. Not. Whatever.
Later days!
Everything's Going to be Okay. Everything's Going to be All Right
I’ve learned that when the time comes when you feel tired, or when old memories rekindle, or you just want to cry… layan jak with emotional songs and whatever makes you mellow. After all, we are only human ~Kacang Soya aka Roy Moon
A-Okay Baby!
“Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?” asked my boss.
I see myself driving a posh 4-wheels car. Maybe a Lexus. Black of course.
I see myself earning 5x more than what I earn now. And more!
I see myself married to a guy that forever will melt my heart each and every time he smiles at me.
I see myself reading a book to my kids and explaining to them that they can be a prince or a princess coz they are always my princes and princesses.
I see myself vacationing all over the globe.
I see myself working my dream job.
I see myself being ask, “Balqiz, I meant where do you see yourself in THIS COMPANY in the next 5 years! Not where do you see yourself in your own personal life” if I answered my boss all of the above.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~Mark Twain
Later days!
The Little Girl I Was Before
When I was young, I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.
I would sit and ponder and read and watched TV and asked around and still, I don’t know what I want to be. So every time I was asked to write an essay about my ambition, I end up writing 5 to 6 different ambitions in a year. Yup. Couldn't make up my mind even then.
Some occupations I thought of:
A teacher. Coz everybody in class wants to be one.
A pilot. Coz it seems cool to be a female pilot (it didn’t occur to me back then how I would HATE flying in a confine places like an airplane)
A doctor. Coz I love the white coat and I was a sucker for the TV show E.R.
A nurse. Coz of the E.R show again.
All were the typical ambitions a kid would dream of. But I couldn’t settle with one to save my life. I would try to picture myself as a teacher but with wailing, noisy brats around my ankles, I said, hell no! I rather be a pilot instead.
Then I picture myself with a pilot uniform, sitting behind a cockpit and staring at all the thousand of buttons and gears and shits and went paralyzed with fear. And back then I was already an acrophobia.
So I’ll just settle to be a doctor instead. Then I read that to be one you have to study for 6-7 years. That is longer than high school! Changed my mind again for the umpteenth time. A nurse? Boring. A nurse has no say whatsoever coz she’s just an assistant to a doctor. No offence to nurses out there. I was 12 mind you.
So what did I end up being?
One thing for sure, if my 12 years old self were to ask me that question now, I would smile to her and said, “You’re gonna be awesome babe”
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