So, for the first time in my life, I visited the National Museum. To be exact, I visited the Coffin Exhibitions in the museum.
For a chicken poop like me, of course the exhibition scare the living hell out of me.
There was incense being burned and the interior was semi-dark with soundtrack like as if you're in a freakin' jungle. It so creepy that as I stepped in, I had goosebumps from head to toe. I was a walking human porcupine.
Tammy, the daughter of Ares, the God of War (that explains her being so insanely brave or maybe she just have a gym socks sense or something) kept asking me to take a photo of her with some of the oldest, most disturbing looking coffins ever. Of course I oblige but I was muttering curses at the same time. Curses to her soul to be more exact.
The bones are replicas of course but the coffins are real. Some even as old as the left over dinner in my fridge. NOT.
Check out some of the photos taken. Pardon the poor quality. My hands were cold and I had difficulty in getting my focus coz I kept holding back the urge to punch Tammy in the face for bringing me there and me agreeing to it. What la…
gambar nok bubu ya nak..
hmmm..tauk sik apa di imagine kmk?
tangada laa time balkis nak carik titik focus nak amik gambar tok nak..tetiba jak tgn nya nerkam camera ktk..
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