I’m always interested in art. My first experience with art was Japanese Manga comics. I was so hooked on it that when I was young, I spent hours and hours drawing silly cartoon characters to entertain my siblings. However I never seemed to have the talent in painting. Drawing, yes. Paintings and crafts, no.
When I was 10, my mom bought an ordinary Canon film camera for the family. I was always assigned to be the photographer as my pictures always turned out well that a friend of my mom used to say; “You have a natural aptitude in photography”. It still never occur to me to further that “talent” coz as an Asian kid, you only want to be a doctor, a lawyer or a pilot when you grow up. Never a photographer. Hell no.
“No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist” ~Oscar Wilde
As I grow older, my interest in art diminished slowly as adolescence took over.
Then 3 years ago, while I was going through one of the roughest time in my life, I bought myself an SLR camera. I didn’t do research on what camera I should get. All I could think was I needed something to take my mind off my depressing life. So my first SLR camera was a Sony A300.
“But that's what being an artist is - feeling crummy before everyone else feels crummy” ~The New Yorker
I was not a photo enthusiast back then. I was just dabbling with it and never thought of furthering my interest more than just taking photo of my pet cat, Bandit.
But one day, I took photo of people randomly and candidly and once I upload it, the pictures turned out great and automatically after that my perspective changed. I was thrilled and excited and I felt alive!
“Art is the only way to run away without leaving home” ~Twyla Tharp
Ever since then, I love taking human portrait. I love creating image that deciphers human emotions, unique moments and best of all, being original and innovative.
People say your work is like looking straight at your soul. I couldn’t agree more. It’s easy to read my personality by just looking at my work.
“Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in” ~Amy Lowell
I don’t bind myself with strict rules in photography. I learned things by myself. I am still learning now. I am not a professional. I am not a hobbyist. I am passionate about my work so I don’t know what category of a photographer do I fall into.
“Pictures must not be too picturesque” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I too am a big fan of other photographer’s work. I don’t see them as my competitors. I see them as people I can learn from as so to improve myself more.
Therefore, to attribute the local talented (amateur or pro) photographers I know/admire, I would like to feature them here in my blog. If possible, I will interview them and post their answers to my questions. I hope by featuring them here will inspire us to learn more and take that step towards the great world of photography.
“An artist's career always begins tomorrow” ~James McNeill Whistler
Your comments and opinions are highly appreciated.
Till then, later days folks!
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